Thank you for supporting Harpscapes!
For over 4 years, Harpscapes offered 5-minute doses of musical self-care for thousands of listeners. Now, after 212 public Harpscapes, the time has come to close this chapter. I feel like each Harpscape offers exactly what I envisioned when I started this project in 2020. If you are looking for sleep, relaxation, uplift, stress relief, or pain relief, one of these Harpscapes will fit the bill. I realized that new Harpscapes were not necessary, as I've maxed out on these videos' potential. Listeners have their favorites and so do I. Nothing more is needed.
Already-released Harpscapes are still available for viewing at the following links:
The Harp & Wellness YouTube Channel
Curated albums of the soothing Harpscapes music can be found in my shop.
Even though Harpscapes has come to a close, I look forward to new opportunities offered through my business, Harp & Wellness. I hope you will join me over there!
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